JExtBOX Equation
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- Category: Demo
- Hits: 4727
This is a demo of JExtBOX Equation which is a Joomla extension for inserting math.
For example, consider the following LaTeX code.
After rendering, we have the following equation.
Let see the other example \begin{equation}\int_{0}^{1}\sqrt{x}dx=?\label{eq1}\end{equation}
Its result will be numbered equation like the following equation.
To call equation, labeled eq1, like (), it needs to be written \ref{eq1}
Now consider inline equations.
is inline equation.
is inline equation.
PSPicture Example
The other example
\rput(0.3,3.75){ $Im$ }
\rput(3.75,0.3){ $Re$ }
\pscircle(0,0){ 3 }
\userline[linewidth=1.5 pt]{->}(1.500,0.000)(2.121,2.121)
\userline[linewidth=1.5 pt,linecolor=blue]{->}(0,0.000)(2.121,2.121){(x>0) ? 3 * cos( atan(-y/x) ) : -3 * cos( atan(-y/x) ) }{ (x>0) ? -3 * sin( atan(-y/x) ) : 3 * sin( atan(-y/x) )}
\userline[linewidth=1.5 pt,linestyle=dashed](-1.500,0.000)(2.121,2.121){x}{0}{x}{y}
\userline[linewidth=1.5 pt,linestyle=dashed](-1.500,0.000)(2.121,2.121){0}{y}{x}{y}
To test the rendering of maths which are loaded later, you can enter an equation as a comment below.
JExtBOX YouTube Custom iFrame Player
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- Category: Demo
- Hits: 14251
This is demo of the Joomla extension which is named JExtBOX YouTube Custom iFrame Player.
The following player is the result of the script [youtube]agMGyThdulE[/youtube]
which are containing a single video. We configured the extension to play videos automatically. Web browsers, such as Chrome, blocks audio content being played without any user interaction. Thus we muted it when the extension was configured. For next players, auto-play functionality is disabled by the extension which is its parameter.
The following player contains multiple videos. Also we set start and end time for the first video. In this case, it needs the following script. In addition, the extension can be skipped scripts inside pre and code tags which are used to programming code.
JExtBOX Login to Read More
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- Category: Demo
- Hits: 7240
This is a demo of JExtBOX Login to Read More plugin with the integrated log-in module. After successful log-in, it redirects to the current article and an user can read full text.
You can login by using an user account has user name "guest" and pasword "jextbox_demo".