This extension helps to display your math equations, diagrams, and figures.
This extension adds functionality for inserting and displaying math equations (LaTeX) and figures (PSPicture). Also, it supports equation numbering. The extension is based on MathJax, LaTeX2JS, and Mathapedia.
This extension has two versions: free and paid. The paid full version has the following features.
2.14.0. Feb 22, 2024. We updated the interface to watch for changes to the DOM tree.
2.13.0. Nov 1, 2023. Solved an issue related to the asynchronous loading of script. Supported Joomla 5.
2.12.7. Jan 13, 2021. Solved an issue for escaping the dollar sign.
2.12.6. Nov 29, 2021. Solved an issue for previewing on the modal. The issue was pushed with the previous version 2.12.5. Also improved visibility of the modal window on the site's front end.
2.12.5. Nov 29, 2021. Patch for the latest version of MathJax. The default configuration has been changed for version 2.x.x of MathJax.
2.12.4. Oct 30, 2021. Patch for the new update server. A minor issue which is related to the local installation path of MathJax has been solved. The logic of fallback between CDN and local installation has been improved. A bug for rendering maths which is loaded by AJAX has been solved.
2.12.3. Sep 14, 2021. Solved an issue on javascript script initializing for the rendering of PSPictures. Also, LaTeX2HTML5 source files have been renewed. The changes have affected the free basic version too and it was numbered as 2.8.3.
2.12.2. Sep 7, 2021. For the content plugin, solved an issue for multiple executions of the PSPicture script. The free basic version has been updated too and it was numbered as 2.8.2. For the paid version, the system plugin has been updated due to a conflict of events "dom ready" and "dom modified".
2.12.1. Aug 24, 2021. Patch for Joomla 4. All known issues are solved. MathJAX CDN sources are updated according to the instructions on the documentation of MathJax. The free basic version has been updated too and it was numbered as 2.8.1.
2.12.0. Nov 9, 2018. Descriptions and language files were updated. The configuration form was improved. A minor bug for the back-end about page was solved.
2.11.1. Sep 4, 2017. A minor bug for the front-end editor has been solved.
2.11.0. Jun 24, 2017. Dollar sign escape.
2.10.0. May 8, 2017. Maintenance for MathJax CDN changes.
2.9.1. February 23, 2017. Minor modification for live preview due to MathJax issue.
2.9.0. February 4, 2017. Templates for typical scripts.
2.8.3. February 4, 2017. A bug for live preview on the front-end editor has been solved.
2.8.2. January 19, 2017. The Front-end editor has been supported.
2.8.1. October 27, 2016. Maintenance for the latest version of Joomla.
2.8.0. April 24, 2016. The editor button and live preview have been added.
2.7.0. March 11, 2016. Code improvement.
2.6.0. August 26, 2015. Maintenance release for MathJax CDN.
2.5.0. January 25, 2015. MathJax custom config parameter has been added. The free version was released.
2.4.0. November 18, 2014. Conversion, on the fly, the function has been improved. Also some minor development in the content plugin.
2.3.0. June 03, 2014. MathJax version selection option & skip code tag functionality have been added.
2.2.0. March 22, 2014. The listener for DOM changes has been added to the system plugin.
2.1.1. March 19, 2014. Some bug has been fixed.
2.1.0. March 9, 2014. System plugin.
2.0.0. December 18, 2013. PSPicture.
1.0.0. April 21, 2013. Initial version.
You have to write all your equations by using the LaTeX script. We recommend using the editor button "Insert Math" for writing and inserting math equations and figures. The paid full version of this extension adds this button in the content editor. It opens a modal window with a live preview for LaTeX equations.
The functionality for displaying math equations is based on MathJax. Also please visit LaTeX2JS or Mathapedia to know about PSPicture on the web page.
When you insert math equations, beware of equation label conflictions on one page and bad syntaxes.
If LaTeX or PSPicture syntax includes any HTML tags such as <span>, the syntax is not rendered correctly. Also, new lines in PSPicture syntax must created with the HTML tag <br>, but not created with the (paragraph) tag <p>. This is the most frequent error. So you need to check the HTML source of your content before publishing it.
One of the effective methods to clean the tag <span> is the command "Clear Formatting" of the editor.
Finally, remember the best method to avoid wrong syntaxes when using the editor button or the modal window provided by the paid full version.
To escape the dollar sign, replace $ with \$.
You can use the following codes to test the extension.
Inline equation $x^2+y^2=1$
Numbered equation \begin{equation}\Phi(0)=\frac{1}{2}\label{eq1}\end{equation}
Now calling (\ref{eq1})
Typically, the extension has not required any configurations. If you have newly installed, in other words, if you haven't updated the full version, you don't need to configure it. However, if you want to manually configure, please follow the below steps.
As mentioned above, we write detailed information for all configuration parameters. For Joomla 3, detailed information is displayed as a tooltip of a parameter.
If you use the extension, do not disable any JExtBOX Equation plugins. Also, we recommend you choose the "whole front-end pages" option for the "Apply to" parameter.
For the MathJax version, we recommend version 2 is a stable version of MathJax. The back-end functionalities (the modal window for inserting equations) are developed with version 2 only.
For MathJax configuration, we provide our default configurations:
TeX: {
extensions: ["autoload-all.js"],
equationNumbers: {autoNumber: "AMS"}
showMathMenu: false,
messageStyle: "none"
window.MathJax = {
tex: {tags: "ams"},
options: {enableMenu: false}
You can customize its configuration such as the following:
TeX: { equationNumbers: {autoNumber: "AMS"} },
showMathMenu: false,
messageStyle: "none",
preferredFont: "STIX-Web",
scale: 100
For font configuration, the possible values are TeX, STIX-Web, Asana-Math, Neo-Euler, Gyre-Pagella, Gyre-Termes, and Latin-Modern. P.S. MathJax 3 currently doesn't support font options.
For the latest version of the update server, the free version is updated to the newest free version, and the paid full version is updated to the latest paid full version. To update the full version by using Joomla Updater, you need to enter your Payment or Invoice ID into the corresponding field on the configuration page of the JExtBOX Equation component.
It requires additional operations for several specific versions are listed below.
Suppose the paid full version is installed. If you want to insert a math equation into a content, please follow the steps below.
We support the most recent version of the extension.
Also, we develop and test our extensions for the latest release of Joomla.
JExtBOX Equation is the Joomla extension.
Copyright (©) 2013 - 2024 Galaa
JExtBOX Equation is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
JExtBOX Equation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
Difference between Free and Paid versions
Features | Basic | Full |
Direct conversion of LaTeX scripts | ||
Content Construction Kit Support (such as K2, core Content) | ||
Front-end components and modules support | ||
Renders maths are loaded by AJAX | ||
Editor button and Popup window for math inserting | ||
Live Preview in Popup Window | ||
MathJax versions, local installation, fallback to local installation, custom config | ||
PSPicture support | ||
Skips maths inside pre and code tags | ||
Clean-ups spaces after line equations |
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